Thursday, December 29, 2011

When IT IS Time to Take a Break

What to do next? Here am I, sitting around and brooding, is life always greener the other side?  When it was work work work, how I envy those who do not need to work, take life as it is, all carefree and to the wind. Now, I am on that side, here I am, brooding over it.

Now, why did I resigned? Without a job, the purse strings are tighten. Every dollar, every cent, think thrice.. do I need it? Is there an alternative? Is it worth it? Heck, this was what I have been preaching since I learned to read my savings book but it is only now that I really put it in practice.

Oops, I am running away with my thoughts, back to the basis of this rant. I took a break from work, to recharge as many would say. For me, it was more of to recollect my thoughts, my passion, and more importantly my compassion. I lost my passion for work, I lost my compassion for those around me. I turned cold and cynical. Yet, those around me, my friends, rallied with me, to take a break.

And what a break it is. In the short period of a few weeks, I realised the support I get from those who were not the closest of friends and yet, they were most supportive. A break to recollect my thoughts. A break to quell the anger arising. A break to calm the mind.

While in this break, a "kalyana mitra" bugged me to work in a NGO since my passion was there. I took this advice, but not to work. I volunteered in menial jobs in the NGO, doing work what I used to assigned to junior staff. And yes, I am happy to do it. No pulling ranks. Just plain volunteerism.

This reflects back to the time I travel, when it was rushing here and there, to see the most I can in the limited time. Maximise my money worth. And only in recent months, I learned, travel is not necessary to see everything there is to see. I learn to take a break, take it slow, just relax, hang around the same spot daily, visit the same streets, eat the same food. It was a good holiday.

Most recent eye opener, take a break before the stress of life kills me. I was an the verge of depression.  Not really yet, but just managed to stepped back. (Work was depressing. The workplace has killed my passion for what I have loved doing for more than a decade.) Again, a "kalyana mitra" came along, "let's go off on this holy day, to listen to a holy teacher". Without a thought of hesitation, I jumped onto the wagon. And what a coincidence, the teaching of the day was on depression. How apt. This time, it is to take a break and practise letting go, practise exuding love and compassion (which I am devoid of such). Yet many a time, I have run away from this. The fear of discovering my fragility, the fear of breaking down. How will I handle the melting of the cold iron in me?

Maybe it is time I let the light of metta lit the path, and for it is I myself who has to walk that path.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Itch is back,
    Welcome back to THE WORLD!! urgghh... sometimes i chose not to return if I have a choice. The fact is I am neither up or down, so I am still in this world.

    On serious note, welcome back to blogging after more THAN 1 YEAR!

    Career break is a must sometimes. I have been there, done that. I hated my previous, previous, previous job but i think i have found my passion now. I am glad to leave without a job about a decade ago and took a break. From my previous experience, sometimes it is not about the job or passion itself, it is those evil homosapiens around you that created the chaos in our life.

    You will get there to your passion, mate... just the question of time ;)
