Sunday, May 10, 2009


The dreaded day came. I lie on the chair, shaking in my bones. It was more than 2 decades ago I lie in such a chair. It felt like my first time, but it was not. I closed my eyes, reminiscing back to that day I last lie on this chair. I told myself then, I would not lie here again. But then, here I was, shaking all over.

Suddenly a cheery voice boomed, “How are you today? Have you had your breakfast?” The voice of a cheery young man. I smiled, “Fine, yes, I have eaten this morning”.

“OK, let’s open up. I am going to give you quite a bit of this, so you will feel relax”, he said. I closed my eyes; clench my fists as I was injected with the serum all over. I hated this part the most. I dreaded this part, since the day I was told I needed to do this“. “There… all done, relax”. He left the room, and there I was all alone. Visions flared in my mind. Hey, it was not as bad as I thought. Back then, I was too young to know what was going on, now that I understood, it did not felt that bad.

Soon, the numbness set it. I could not feel a thing. My head was wrapped and I could not see a thing. The only sense that was working was my hearing. I could not even taste since my tongue of push back.

For the next 20 minutes, I could hear the drilling sound, the soothing voice and the sucking sound. Off and on, I felt the pressure, hard and almost painful. I held on. Soon it would be over, I thought.

“There, we are done”, he said. I opened my eyes and the bright light almost blinded me. I sat up, bite into the cotton, half dazed. There lie in the tray, my two wisdom teeth, one of them sawed into half.

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