Friday, June 12, 2009

Can I not be strict?

It was an uneventful day. I was indirectly told that my review was too much and it was the reason for the staff not able to clear their work fast enough. Heck, I was just doing my job. It is my job to review to ensure work done is up to the standard quality required by the profession. And now I am to be "blamed" for that.

What has the current Y generation come to? They complain to a superior that my review is too time consuming to clear. Well, if work was done satisfactory, I would not have raise those queries. Now I have to take the rap.

Somehow this mentality is spreading, from the rumours in the universities and colleges and now to the workplace. The standard of quality have to be lowered to meet those who cannot acheive that level set in the first place. It is like telling, well, you cannot pass at 50 marks, we let you pass at 40 marks.

And who is to take the rap when some hoo-haa crops up and then the finger is pointed that the work done did not meet the quality standard set. I am just doing my job, i have already close one eye, now I am told to close 90% of my other eye. Can I do that? Shoud I do that?

Well, I said "No". I just told the person who gave me the instruction, "No, I will not do it. Just tell your staff to get it right the first time"....If they do get it right the first time for even 50% of the time, I will be out of job...and maybe I will be happy about that.

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